Saturday, February 21, 2009

Let's Share Our Writing

I am inviting anybody who is writing anything to post part of it on the Blog for all of us to read and comment upon. I am learning all about digital technology at a workshop at Lakeland, so I will post some of my assignments and get your feedback on how well they work. Remember that if you add a Word file, to save it in rft (Rich Text Format) so everybody can read it. You can also post it in pdf format. Please add links to your texts, rather than type in the entire text as a Post.


Jayne said...

PS. If you scroll all the way to the bottom, you will find Meghan's poem on taxes, which is still timely and relevant!!!

Meg said...

How funny! I forgot I wrote that poem! That was right after I almost had to do jury duty, but still had to sit in the deliberations for 3 days until they threw me out of the mix. They wouldn't tell us what the case was specifically about, but my deduction was that the kid had been in a car accident after smoking pot. It amazed me the amount of time and money invested in such a trivial case!